Multidimensional Healing

Awakening a new era of healing for sustainable wellness and transcendent living

This is a space for quantum healing, through deep connection with the body and soul. This is for those who are ready to walk into the spiral of the unconscious, the multidimensional and beyond, to unlock your ultimate freedom. My name is Fallon, I am the creator of this space and guide of this transformative work, it’s an honor to journey alongside you.

“Fallon is passionate, intuitive, and open, all qualities that are reflected in her work. It always surprises me how relaxed, calm, and open I feel with Fallon. During my Akashic Records readings with Fallon, it has been clear that the information is channeled from places beyond this realm. The guidance the Akashic Records readings provide is beyond anything I could have expected. Through my work with Fallon, I have learned so much about who I am deep in my soul and who I am destined to become. If you are looking to be deeply seen, heard, and held, Fallon has space for you to show up exactly how and where you are.


I’ve attended multiple of Fallon’s events and workshops and each has left me with a feeling of renewal. sacred community & belonging, &deep profound love and healing. Fallon is a master at creating sacred trauma-informed space for women on their spiritual journey // awakening. Her gentle, authentic and loving spirit has helped guide me into the depths of my south and transmute any trauma or stagnant energy into pure love and hope. Fallon’s holistic focus creates a container for healing of the mind, body, and spirit and its innate interconnectedness. Her work has helped me to find safety, balance, and belonging within my own body again. A true healer, I’ve always felt held in her loving presence. She continuously provides safe sacred space for the fullness and rawness of your being and essence, and empowers you to step into your own power.


My first session with Fallon felt like six months of mentoring in one. There was such tremendous connection, empathy and breakthroughs within that initial session, which really allowed me to open up, become more aware of myself and my body, and kickstart my healing journey. Fallon challenges me to see things differently and pause when I’m in my own way, but also allows me to explore my feelings and needs independently during sessions of clarity and confidence.


The confidence, self-awareness and connection to self I feel as a result of these sessions is too vast and powerful to fully put into words. Fallon is truly a goddess, witch, and angel in every sense. Her intelligence, intuitiveness, and kind-hearted nature is apparent from the start and comfortingly consistent throughout each session.


Offerings change frequently, stay up to date with workshops, courses and 1:1 openings