1:1 quantum healing container

dive deep into a variety of unique healing techniques ranging from shamanic healing practices to subconscious rewiring, subtle energy healing, spiritual and intuitive exploration, ritual and ceremony, hypnotherapy and so much more

This is a co-creative space where we work together usingintuition and the body as our guide on this sacred journey

my job is to meet you where you’re at on your path and support you in identifying and further cultivating your own set of tools to become your own greatest healer

this container will activate you, move you to your edge, awaken and inspire you

deconstructing old programming and installing new, more aligned templates, will create a profound shift in healing at the root level

this healing container is a three month initiation

depending on the client needs and desires upon completion there will be an option to either terminate or continue on if it’s in alignment


the structure


6 Virtual Ceremonial Sessions

Bi-weekly for one hour.
Integration Invitations

Practices and rituals outlined in workbook format to support the integration of session material. May also include meditations or shamanic journeys in audio format.

Voice Note/Text Support

Interim support and 1:1 continued access to me to support challenges/questions that may come up throughout the off weeks.

you can expect to come out on the other side having…

unlocked a new blueprint in complete service to the regeneration and expansion of your soul

birthed your unique purpose and feel empowered as you move through this new season of the evolution of YOU

discovered your own inner healer and learned the tools to further facilitate your wholeness, wellness and complete radiance